We accept any laundry that is suitable for mutual wash&dry cycle (clothes, towels, bed linen, etc.). How to order? • at the Londris laundromat (look for the nearest location in the section WHERE) or • order Londris delivery (click ORDER below the selected service). Completion - up to 2 business days (if you choose Londris delivery, the deadline is set from the day of pick-up).

  • Pickup: 

Please choose a date


What is the size of the bag? How many kilos of laundry fits in it? 

We do not weigh the orders of wash&fold or ironing services, since we are processing it by principle "1 order = 1 bag = 1 washing cycle". In this case we mean yellow Londris bag (you will find it in the locker at the laundromat) or any plastic bag from main Lithuanian supermarkets. 

The  weigh of one order can vary depending on the laundry type. If the fabric is thick (e.g., terry towel), it will take up more space in the bag, therefore the weight of the bag will be lighter (e.g., 5 kg). And vice versa: if the fabric is thin, more items will fit in the bag, therefore the bag will be heavier (up to 9 kg).

When you pack your washing/ironing order properly, the amount of your laundry exactly fits the capacity of the drum of the washing machine.

The main advice is not to overload the bag, because if you do so, the washing machine also will be overloaded and it may reduce the quality of the service.

When you place your laundry into the Londris PLUS lockers, make sure that your order meets these requirements:

  •  Use yellow Londris bag or any plastic supermarket bag.
  • Tie bag's handles firmly.
  •  Do not overload the bag.